The Agit Reader

Best of the Year

Top 10 Reissues

December 30th, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | 1 Comment »

Top 10 Reissues

Pere Ubu, Elitism for the People#10
Pere Ubu
Elitism for the People 1975–1978
Fire Records

Pere Ubu frontman David Thomas once told me, “I am pretentious and I revel in my pretensions, but I don’t like elitism, particularly.” The title of this boxset of Ubu’s earliest work flies in the face of that assertion and is no doubt more than a little tongue-in-cheek. But whatever you make of the …

The Agit Reader Top 10 of 2015

December 29th, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

The Agit Reader Top 10 of 2015

New Order, Music Complete#10
New Order
Music Complete
Mute Records

Music Complete marks the departure of Peter Hook, the founding member responsible for the signature basslines that helped define the sound of New Order (and, before that, Joy Division). But even without Hooky’s bass, the new record is undeniably New Order, from the soaring synths to the often dark lyrics that belie the danceable music. With Bernard Sumner’s …

Staff Picks of 2014: Stephen Slaybaugh

January 9th, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | 1 Comment »

Staff Picks of 2014: Stephen Slaybaugh

Glancing over the list of things that highlighted my 2014, one might think that I finally suffered the midlife crisis due for one whose formative years were in the ’80s. But as we are living in an era when everything that was once old is new again, I’d like to think that this is just reflective of the cream rising to the top as it …

Staff Picks of 2014: Josie Rubio

January 6th, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks of 2014: Josie Rubio

This year wasn’t a personal best: much of the earlier part of the year was spent in and out of the hospital for cancer treatment, including a month-long stay for a stem cell transplant. While I was there, a friend sent me a mix CD. Listening to that was like a breath of fresh air into my sterile hospital room, and I remembered what life …

Staff Picks of 2014: Kevin J. Elliott

January 5th, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks of 2014: Kevin J. Elliott

Top 10 Albums

10. PC Music, DISown Radio Mix (self-released)
It’s rare that I’ll include any kind of mixtape on a year-end list (actually I’m pretty sure it’s unprecedented, unless I included Diplo’s first mix for MIA years back), but what the shadowy, commercially bent PC Music enclave did with utopian electronic pop throughout the course of the year was undeniable. I spent much more …

Staff Picks of 2014: Dorian S. Ham

January 2nd, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks of 2014: Dorian S. Ham

Doing an end of the year list increasingly seems to be less about what I’ve loved over the past year and more about, “Oh my stars and garters, look at all the records I haven’t heard yet!” So there is likely more than a few unintentional glaring omissions, but what can ya do? But hey, if folks are still fine with revisiting records from 40 …

Staff Picks for 2014: Nate Knaebel

January 1st, 2015  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks for 2014: Nate Knaebel

I listened to a staggering amount of music this year, and was again pleasantly reminded that so much truly  amazing stuff continues to be made—or was already made and I got to experience it again or, in several cases, for the first time. It’s genuinely inspiring. That said, what’s with these knuckleheads waxing thoughtful about Taylor Swift? Taste is taste, I get that, but they …

Staff Picks for 2014: Matt Slaybaugh

December 31st, 2014  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks for 2014: Matt Slaybaugh

Top 10 of 2014

10. Ought, More Than Any Other Day (Constellation)
Ought’s wheelhouse was built by David Byrne, Television, Jerry Seinfeld, Naomi Klein, and the editors of Adbusters. It’s a place I love to visit, full of epigrammatic lyrics, jagged guitar riffs, slogans that defy deep thinking, and simple songs about the stupidly complex nature of modern life. These are glorious songs about …

Staff Picks for 2014: Matthew Lovett

December 30th, 2014  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Staff Picks for 2014: Matthew Lovett

I’ve always been one for guitar rock, and I’ll be with it until the end. Even though it seems there are a variety of thinkpieces about its death, the pessimism of rockism, or whatever, I find that the opposite is true. Sure, the genre wanes from year to year like any style, and admittedly, 2014 wasn’t the best year for rock either. But there’s always …

Top 10 Reissues of 2014

December 24th, 2014  |  by  |  published in Best of the Year | Leave A Comment »

Top 10 Reissues of 2014

Grace Jones
Nightclubbing Deluxe Edition

It seems like there’s been nothing like Grace Jones before she crashed into the world and nothing since. Six feet tall, androgynous, and oozing terrifying sexuality, there was no way for Jones to fall into a producer puppet role. Instead, it was more about harnessing that energy and getting out of the way. After a run with disco …