The Agit Reader

What’s the Rumpus?

This Is Not a Death From Above Concert Review

October 30th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | 4 Comments »

This Is Not a Death From Above Concert Review I absolutely love You’re a Woman, I’m a Machine. It came out when I just started working in a record store in Columbus. I was the metal buyer, but the beautiful

Arcade Fire
Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, September 17

September 27th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

Arcade FireWells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, September 17 Arcade Fire has been an unlikely success story for some time now, but it’s still an interesting and fairly unprecedented rise to

Kung Fu Necktie, Philadelphia, July 16

July 20th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

OxbowKung Fu Necktie, Philadelphia, July 16 Tonight’s opening bands encapsulated both extremes of the noise spectrum, starting with the local Mob Terror, who merge equal

The Church
Ardmore Music Hall, Philadelphia, July 6

July 11th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

The Church Ardmore Music Hall, Philadelphia, July 6 The Ardmore Music Hall is an intimate room that feels like two completely different venues. It has the vibe of a classy old school theater

Northside Festival
Brooklyn, June 8–11

June 20th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

Northside Festival Brooklyn, June 8–11 It’s hard to believe the Northside Festival just celebrated its first decade. Despite enduring some growing pains over the years—venues that didn't

Big Gold Dream

June 19th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

Big Gold Dream For a country with a population just under 5.5 million, Scotland has perhaps produced more astonishing music per capita than any other locale. Cocteau Twins, The Jesus

The Veldt
Boot and Saddle, Philadelphia, May 31

June 7th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

The Veldt Boot and Saddle, Philadelphia, May 31 Opening band Mahogany has a backstory as intriguing as the band’s sound. Singer and guitarist Andrew Prinz formed the group while

Redd Kross
Underground Arts, Philadelphia, May 3

May 9th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

Redd Kross Underground Arts, Philadelphia, May 3 Redd Kross is to punk rock what Cheap Trick is to ’70s arena rock. This is not as much because of a sonic resemblance, though both

Tinariwen and Dengue Fever
Union Transfer, Philadelphia, April 18

April 24th, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

Tinariwen and Dengue FeverUnion Transfer, Philadelphia, April 18 The distance between Cambodia and Mali is 7,175 miles, but with roots in those two disparate countries, the two bands

The Wedding Present
The Bell House, Brooklyn, April 15

April 21st, 2017  |  by  |  published in What's the Rumpus? | Leave A Comment »

The Wedding Present The Bell House, Brooklyn, April 15 There was a period of time around the turn of the last century when the Wedding Present ceased to exist. Sure, frontman David Gedge was still making music