Jul 192011
Closing Arguments

Tyler the Creator Robert Pollard waltzed out, sporting a well-worn Ohio t-shirt, and asked the crowd, “Are you guys ready for some quality, professional rock ‘n’ roll?” The festival stages at Pitchfork increasingly seem designed to separate the professionals from the up-n-comers and ever more so from those not yet ready for prime-time. The sure-fire professionals: Guided by Voices, Neko Case, Superchunk, No Age, James Blake, Off!, Yuck, Kylesa, Deerhunter. That list represents the groups [...]

Jul 142011
Friday Most Anticipated

tUnE-yArDs I can’t wait to see this noise recreated live. I’m hoping she turns the chaos way up. Battles Sometimes they’re a kick-ass prog-rock outfit, and I’m up for that, but I’m mostly looking forward to the herky-jerky, post-Phish dancing their set should inspire. Guided By Voices No explanation needed right? We just have to hope that Mr. Pollard rises to the occasion. Any bets on the set list? Das Racist “All the bloggers be [...]