Jul 182010
Goodnight Chicago

So, my favorite performances of the weekend? Like a top 10? Okay, in no particular order … Friday Tallest Man on Earth Liars Robyn Saturday Titus Andronicus Wolf Parade Bear in Heaven Freddie Gibbs Sunday Girls Beach House Major Lazer Big Boi And… a really very big thank-you to Jessica Linker and Jacob Daneman, who really treated us right. Bravo.

Jul 182010

1. I saw Delorean, they were so great. They were so great. Yeah, they were great. Yeah they were … YESSSSSSsssssss. 2. So you’re taking pictures now. Yeah it’s really cool. Yeah I was thinking about doing that. You totally should, it’s really easy. 3. Pardon me, sorry to interrupt, but are you playing hipster bingo?

Jul 182010
The Return of Prog

I’ve seen more Korgs than faux-hawks this weekend. A bunch if these bands have twin drummers. They all have at least one multi-instrumentalist. Extended instrumental passages are the norm. Hell, we’ve even heard a bunch of 10-minute instrumental work-outs.