Jul 192009

I took about 1,300 pictures today, but I won’t be able to post anything until tomorrow. We’re in the car on the long trip back to Ohio now. The Flaming Lips deserve credit for playing a really varied and interesting set, mixing new songs, rarities, and beloved recent hits enough to satisfy both the folks at the far end of the park and the ones who waited all day in banana costumes to be up [...]

Jul 192009

So Grizzly Bear is playing, and the mix is pretty bad, though it sounds okay way far away. Meanwhile, Wayne Coyne (60 minutes before the Flaming Lips’ set) is already out entertaining the crowd, shooting off confeti and such. There’s a vicious rumour amongst the photographers that there will be no photo pit time during the Lips’ set, due in part to his entrance in a bubble. There’s also a general consensus that blankets and [...]

Jul 192009

Brian, the main man for Japandroids, had a fan blowing his asymmetric, curly locks around for a very Coverdale-esque effect. But maybe he was just hot. They burned through most of their Post Nothing album, and in general, took themselves a lot more seriously than I expected. They really do just wanna have fun and sing about sunshine girls. They were on fire, and really very for real. Vivian Girls are significantly more lively in [...]

Jul 192009

“Basket Case” from Dookie. I dunno, is that the right kind of cool? Then again, I guess they really know their target market. Speaking of covers, I don’t think anyone’s done Michael Jackson yet. But now, they’re playing “No Culture Icons,” which is great. And now the sing-along song. Good closer.