Jul 152012

Iceage More people have asked me about if I was gonna watch Iceage than about any other band. Scratch that. More people have told me I must see Iceage than other band at the festival. The Men Their albums are awesome, full of muscular rock, some surprisingly long instrumental passages, and a good bit of variety, too. Should be an exciting set. Kendrick Lamar Hip-hop acts always bring it at Pitchfork. (Well, almost. MF Doom [...]

Jul 152012
P4K12 Day Two Snapshots

Grimes Godspeed You Black Emperor Danny Brown Hot Chip Chromatics Sleigh Bells Schoolboy Q Wild Flag Flying Lotus Youth Lagoon Cults Liturgy Atlas Sound Lotus Plaza Cloud Nothings The Psychic Paramount The Atlas Moth

Jul 142012
P4K12 Day Two - Way Too Short Wrap-Up

It was a close one, but I’m gonna give the Day Two trophy to Wild Flag, with Cloud Nothings pulling in a close second. One of the most striking moments of the day involved Schoolboy Q, who, midway through his song “Blessed,” said, “This is high power. I don’t care if you’re black, brown, white, Asian or what the fuck ever – we all on this hussle together, so say it with me. And then [...]

Jul 142012

I was trying to keep these lists to just five acts, but this is by far the strongest of the three days. As it should be, I suppose. Cloud Nothings OH represent! Seriously, though, this is one of my favorite new bands of the last couple of years. I have a hope that the right crowd will show up for this early set and help us start the day on the right foot. Liturgy What [...]