Jul 172011
TV on the Radio take us home

This is happening right now. TV on the Radio are doing their best to make Union Park explode with their syncopated chaos and giant bass sounds, and this is only the fourth song. Hot damn! Anyway, my work in Chicago is almost done for this year. I’ll be back with some more photos tomorrow morning, and a full wrap-up, with lots of deep thoughts, later in the week. Thanks, as usual, to Jessica and Jacob [...]

Jul 172011

Kurt Vile is doing an interview a few feet away. I can’t help but overhear about his love for the first Van Morrison album. He also mentioned that his next album will have more electricity.

Jul 172011

You know you walk into your hotel after a long day walking around, and it feels like it must be 50 degrees cooler? That’s what is was like walking away from the Odd Future mosh pit back into the 100 degree day. It was such a relief it felt like air conditioning. Yes, it was absolutely crazy. And pretty scary at times. I thought my legs were going to melt. Truth is, the group wasn’t [...]