The Agit Reader

Tame Impala

August 27th, 2015  |  by Matthew Lovett

Tame Impala, CurrentsTame Impala’s Currents (Modular Recordings/Interscope Records) could, I suppose, be proclaimed as the band’s greatest departure. Lonerism and Innerspeaker were geared toward ’60s psych-rock nostalgia, with guitar riffs doing most of the heavy-lifting alongside robust, spacey production techniques. While the latter still gets some work on Currents, Tame Impala fast-forwards about 10 years stylistically to the disco/soft-rock era. (The mere existence of a song like “Let it Happen,” a near eight-minute-long dance epic, shows how fully realized this album is.) Even though frontman Kevin Parker has a tendency to nitpick his own work, Tame Impala’s latest reveals how limitless the possibilities really are for this band.

Classifying Currents as some retro ’70s album does it a disservice; if it weren’t for how much of an epic jam this album is, it could be a companion to Destroyer’s Kaputt. The album’s most consistent quality may be its throwback atmosphere, but Parker dabbles with a variety of styles within it, most notably chillwave (“Eventually”), funk (“The Less I Know The Better”), and late-70s balladry (“’Cause I’m A Man”). Then there’s lead single “Let It Happen,” a song that’s almost as intoxicating as New Order’s “Blue Monday.” It helps that Parker is a skilled bassist, as he’s often the force that drives these songs, slicing through the otherwise largely somnambulant vibe.

In addition to being more soulful and diverse, Tame Impala’s newest also comes off as Parker’s most remorseful. As lines like “I know that I’ll be happier, and I know that you will too,” (from “Eventually”) indicate, several cuts fall into the category of bitter, breakup songs. And though the others are outright dance tracks, these two camps aren’t mutually exclusive on Currents. If the album’s poignancy doesn’t hit you, it’s sheer variety surely will.

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