The Agit Reader

Is the Is Are

February 8th, 2016  |  by Matthew Lovett

Diiv, Is the Is AreIf you listened to Diiv for the first time ever today, the band fronted by Zachary Cole Smith might sound like run-of-the-mill dream-pop. However, its 2012 debut, Oshin stood out as exemplary for that style. It was deceptively monotonous, but if you let yourself give in to the record’s dreaminess, what Smith sang became significantly less important than the rest of the album’s matter. With a simple rock texture—guitar, bass and drums—Diiv was able to envelope the listener in its distinct vibe, and Oshin’s success was in its understated presentation.

Four long years later, we have Is the Is Are (Captured Tracks), which by-and-large follows the template of its predecessor—a tack that may have limited its potential. There is some newfound intensity and much of the jangly vibe is gone, but the record is hardly a sonic departure from Oshin. All-in-all Is the Is Are rides a stronger tide and comes off like something My Bloody Valentine would create if, say, Mac DeMarco led the band instead of Kevin Shields.

With little exception, the new album isn’t as inviting as Oshin, even with Diiv reaching its most expansive sound at times. Songs like “Dopamine” and “Under the Sun,” intended to be the album’s lead singles, are resoundingly similar to each other and nearly mimic the timbre of Oshin hit “How Long Have You Known?” The songs aren’t so much forced as they are simply Smith executing his style, yet the only song that blossoms favorably is near-end cut “Loose Ends.” Is the Is Are is a case of trying to be innovative, but succumbing to doing what you know best and doing it well. But just because Is the Is Are is a pinch harder to wrap one’s head around than Oshin doesn’t mean it’s the same breakthrough.

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