The Agit Reader






Posts byrichardsanford

Dry Food

Palehound’s Dry Food is a charming, low-key record that belies real surprises and resonating stories of turmoil and trauma. It uses the detritus of ‘90s indie

Briana Marela
All Around Us

Briana Marela’s All Around Us is a stunning mural of blurry sonic photographs, a pastiche of memories, friends, lovers, nature, and most of all herself. Aided

Los Manglers
Between Worlds

Los Manglers' first full-length, Between Worlds, opens with one of the strongest bubblegum salvos in recent history. On "You Can Call," against a dry

Sarah Kirkland Snider

With Unremembered, Sarah Kirkland Snider cements her reputation—begun with 2010’s Penelope—as the finest composer for voice of her generation. This song

Jason Isbell
Something More Than Free

Jason Isbell returns with Something More Than Free, a subtler, more human-scaled record than his breakthrough Southeastern. Its pleasures might not be

Dave Douglas
High Risk

Trumpeter and composer Dave Douglas has always had a searching eye and an irrepressible curiosity. He doesn’t refuse to look back; he’s not a novelty-junkie

Charlie Hunter Trio
Let the Bells Ring On

Charlie Hunter’s Let the Bells Ring On is a summation and an expansion of a long career and a way of seeing. Hunter’s love of the spectrum of tonality, his

Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band
Pat Thomas & Kwashibu Area Band

With his supple voice, wide-ranging taste, and especially his willingness to embrace and incorporate

NOW Ensemble

For the 10 years of its existence, NOW Ensemble—Sara Budde (clarinet and bass clarinet), Logan Cole (double bass), Michael Mizrahi (piano)


Motobunny's eponymous debut conjures a landscape dotted with throwback biker references and allusions to the garage-punk scene from which most of its

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