The Agit Reader






Posts bymatthewlovett

Ty Segall

Ty Segall has never had a problem coming up with ideas. Just take a gander at all of the work he's put out in a short amount of time; since 2011, he's released

The Gaslight Athem
Get Hurt

At one point, The Gaslight Anthem had a propensity for writing heart-wrenching songs that went straight for the jugular. They were a New Jersey rock band with

Twin Peaks
Wild Onion

In every era, there are bands comprised of young early 20-somethings who couldn't care less about much of anything besides playing rock music and acting

Joyce Manor
Never Hungover Again

The precedence Joyce Manor set for themselves with their phenomenal self-titled debut was probably a challenging one from which to break free

PS I Love You
For Those Who Stay

To some extent, PS I Love You has been a sort of indie rock siphon, evoking everyone from Dinosaur Jr. to Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. But while

Seek Warmer Climes

When Lower put out their noisy spurt of an EP, Walk on Heads, in 2012, it seemed Copenhagen's scene of downer punk had successfully infiltrated

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