The Agit Reader






Posts bychrissabbath

The Damned
Evil Spirits

I know what you’re probably thinking because I’ve already been there myself. I love The Damned to pieces, but don’t necessarily want to hear anything new by them

First Demo

If you’ve seen Instrument, the Jem Cohen–directed narrative that documents the history of post-hardcore group Fugazi, you may remember a segment

Songs of Innocence

I’ll get right to the point: this album stinks! It reeks like the bloated and putrid corpse of The Fly, Bono’s leather-bound, sunglasses-sporting alter-ego

Flying Nun Record Store Day Reissues

Once proto-punk finally became regarded as “a thing,” it was too little, too late. The ’77 punk movement had ignited into a raging inferno, engulfing

Total Slacker

Total Slacker

Tucker Rountree, the wiry-looking singer and guitarist for Total Slacker, is the first image that pops into my brain when I think of modern-day Brooklyn. On paper, the 32-year-old Salt Lake City transplant epitomizes the archetypal bohemian, warehouse-dwelling pipsqueak down to a T, with large, bespectacled eyeballs hidden behind a fringe of blond, moppy hair and clothes that look as if they went extinct in …

Damaged Bug
Hubba Bubba

Hubba Bubba’s album cover emulates the artwork of the Silver Apples’ protopunk saucer, Contact, like some wicked dèjá vu shit. Much like the 1969 original

Mark McGuire

Mark McGuire

If Julian Cope ever gets around to penning a sequel to his cult classic testimonial, Krautrocksampler, he may consider adding Emeralds’ 2010 double LP, Does It Look Like I’m Here?, to his shortlist of recommended listening. Although four decades removed from the crux of first-wave krautrock—not to mention hailing from the very un-cosmic city of Cleveland, Ohio—there was something enigmatic and fascinating about …

Staff Picks: Chris Sabbath

Best Albums

1. Boards of Canada, Tomorrow’s Harvest (Warp)

2. Grouper, The Man Who Died in His Boat (Kranky)

3. Thee Oh Sees, Floating Coffin (Castle Face)

4. Julianna Barwick, Nepenthe (Dead Oceans)

5. Wire, Change Becomes Us (Pink Flag)

6. Magik Markers, Surrender to the Fantasy (Drag City) 

7. The Dead C, Armed Courage (Ba Da Bing!)

8. Tim Hecker, Virgins (Kranky/Paper Bag)


Cheap Time

Cheap Time

Of all the dark, disturbing characters that dwelled in Lou Reed’s sleazy downtown tales, none seemed more innocent then Jenny, the cool New York chick whose “life was saved by rock & roll” on the 1970 Velvet Underground classic “Rock & Roll.” Grime and grit aside, Jeffrey Novak, singer and guitarist for Cheap Time (as well as solo artist), could easily be Jenny’s wide-eyed clone, …

Primitive Calculators
The World Is Fucked

As the Primitive Calculators see it, the world is fucked, thanks to the degeneracy of Homo sapiens as a result of the gluttony of technological enslavement

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