The Agit Reader






Posts bybrianoneill

Redd Kross
Underground Arts, Philadelphia, May 3

Redd Kross is to punk rock what Cheap Trick is to ’70s arena rock. This is not as much because of a sonic resemblance, though both

Diversity Reigns in the Metal Underground

A venue such as Kung Fu Necktie exists in every decent-sized city in America. There, a band such as Junius, who has been plugging along for years


Wall is not the first band to break up before its first album ever saw the light of day. The Modern Lovers are perhaps the most notable band whose debut was

Doom Metal:
Not Only Slow

Metal music was arguably first conceived as “doom metal” since the originators in Black Sabbath, particularly the Sainted Tony Iommi, and the horror

Tinariwen and Dengue Fever
Union Transfer, Philadelphia, April 18

The distance between Cambodia and Mali is 7,175 miles, but with roots in those two disparate countries, the two bands

The Metal Frontier

When the guitarist said they were CME, a voice from the crowd asked what it stood for, to which he haltingly replied, “Chinese... Mars... Experiment.” Such is life

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